Friday, August 10, 2007

Mile High Markers.

Feeling confused or less-than-certain about your place in life? Then, you're in a state of being kind of like the Mile High Markers at the Colorado State Capitol.

In 1909, a plaque was placed on the western steps of the Capitol, declaring the spot to be a mile high: 5280 feet above sea level. After the original plaque and three subsequent ones were all stolen, the words "One Mile Above Sea Level" were finally carved in 1947 into the stone (photo above).

However, in 1969, engineering students from Colorado State University made their own calculation: they declared that the earth reached its mile-high height three steps above the original inscription, so a new marker was placed there (photo above).

Then, in 2003, students from Metropolitan State College arrived with a different result, based upon the federal government's new, baseline measurement for sea level: a mile high would henceforth be located a couple steps below the original 1909 citation. So, a marker has been set in that spot, as well (photo above).

Luckily, no further calculations have been made, since then.

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