Monday, August 18, 2008

A Dragon's Eye View of the Democratic National Convention. (#2)

Invesco Field at Mile High, where the Denver Broncos crack skulls on the gridiron -- and where Senator Barack Obama will accept the Democratic Party's presidential nomination on August 28 in front of 75,000 rabid supporters.

From the novel A Western Capitol Hill:

Hey, this has always been a big sports town. In the 1930s, it wasn’t uncommon for 10,000 people to turn out to watch a softball game in City Park. That was before there was any kind of major league teams based in Denver. And nowhere near the population.

Here, you might spy a Denver Bronco tattoo on the side of a shaved head. A man painted blue and orange, wearing nothing else, roaring up Capitol Hill on his motorcycle. Talk about disgusting: blue and orange cupcakes at the supermarket.

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